All City Vision University students must comply with the Standards of Academic Integrity and University Code of Conduct. The consequences for violating these standards are described on the linked pages.
City Vision follows the Carnegie Unit requirement of “one credit is equivalent to 45 hours of student work”. Thus, a three (3)-credit course incorporates approximately 135 hours of student work. Reading is 25 pages per hour for standard books and 20 for dense textbooks. Where needed we use much more detailed guidelines provided by Penn State University – Hours of Instructional Activity (HIA) Equivalents at:
The academic policy of City Vision University is designed to meet ultimately the graduation requirement of a “C” average (2.00 GPA) on all work taken through the university, including credits accepted via transfer from other institutions.
To remain in good standing, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average according to the number of credits completed at City Vision University, or accepted via transfer. The unit of credit is the semester hour.
The following minimum grade point averages apply to certificate students:
The following minimum grade point averages apply to associate’s degree students:
The following minimum grade point averages apply to bachelor’s degree students:
Graduate students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA throughout the course of their studies.
To review City Vision University’ Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, which applies this standard specifically to students receiving financial aid, click the link below:
Students who fail to earn the grade point average indicated above will be placed on Academic Probation for the next 6 credits of study. Students who are on Academic Probation and whose term achievements show substantial improvement but whose cumulative GPA is still just below the appropriate GPA for their Credits Completed level and thus would be subject to Academic Dismissal may instead be placed on Probation Continued status at the discretion of the Academic Oversight staff (Academic Dean, VP of Academic Administration, or President).
While students are academically at-risk (defined as being either under the minimum GPA required for graduation, having multiple terms in a row where they have withdrawn from all courses, on SAP Warning, or on SAP Probation), students will be required to take no more than one course per term until they are no longer at risk. Students will be notified when this restriction has been removed and they can take a full course load again.
If a new student (who has not passed any City Vision courses) has withdrawn from six or more City Vision courses, they must either wait a year or complete a course at another school before they can sign up for courses again. This includes withdrawals in the add/drop period (first two weeks of each term).
Students may receive multiple certificates. However, at least 75% of the credits in each certificate program must be different from those used for the other certificate programs.
Each course is given a final grade with the number of quality points per credit hour assigned as follows:
Grade | Significance | Quality Points | Percentage |
A | Excellent | 4.0 | 95-100 |
A- |
| 3.67 | 90-94.99 |
B+ | Good | 3.33 | 87-89.99 |
B |
| 3.00 | 84-86.99 |
B- |
| 2.67 | 80-83.99 |
C+ | Average | 2.33 | 77-79.99 |
C |
| 2.00 | 74-76.99 |
C- |
| 1.67 | 70-73.99 |
D+ |
| 1.33 | 67-69.99 |
D |
| 1.00 | 64-66.99 |
D- | Passing | 0.67 | 60-63.99 |
F | Failure | 0.00 | <59.99 |
Students may repeat courses in order to earn a higher grade and more quality points. The credits will be counted only once, and the grade earned the second time will supersede the earlier grade. The record of the earlier grade will remain on the transcript, although it will not enter into the computation of the grade point average.
For more details on how the GPA is calculated, see here.
See the “Dropping Courses and Grading” policy for information on incomplete courses.
Graduation honors are awarded for academic work performed by the student during his undergraduate program. Honors will be conferred as follows:
The grade point calculation is made on all credits earned from City Vision University and transfer credits.
Students must register for courses before or on the first day of classes. Students may request an exception to register for courses after the first day of the term during the first week. Later course registrations are allowed only in exceptional circumstances, but not beyond the second week.
Our preferred method is that students should drop courses using the official drop request form, but they may communicate their intent to drop to City Vision by any method including calling the university office at (816) 960-2008 or emailing or discontinuing participation in the course. Students that no longer participate in courses may be administratively dropped for lack of attendance (see date of last attendance policy below).
0 to 2 weeks. Courses that are dropped by the end of the second week of classes do not appear on the official transcript and are listed as a “W (unofficial)”.
2 to 5 weeks. Students have until the end of the 5th week of the term to drop courses (34 days after the first day of courses) and receive a mark of “W” for the course. The drop date for a course will be counted as the date on which the student last submitted any graded assignment or forum, based on the date of when the assignment was submitted (not when it was due).
Students’ attendance in City Vision University courses will be evaluated at least every 14 calendar days. Because this is an online program, attendance is based exclusively on the date of submission of coursework which would receive a grade, such as a written assignment, class forum post, or quiz. Simply logging into the online classroom is not counted as attendance; neither is simply sending a message to a professor.
If a student has not attended a course, by the definition above, within the past 14 calendar days, it will be determined whether the student should be withdrawn from that course. For the purpose of this policy, dates will be determined based on the student’s local time zone.
If a student could not submit gradable work in the past 14 days, this determination will be made on the following basis:
1. Communication with the instructor or staff and/or
2. A review of their course progress and grade by Student Services staff assessing the student’s ability to successfully pass the course.
3. How late the student’s current assignments are, based on their due dates.
Students may be notified weekly by City Vision if they are late in submitting assignments. Students that have a 14 day gap in submitting items for grading are administratively dropped unless they are granted an extension by their instructor or academic administration. Students with a 14 day gap in submitting items will not be dropped if they have participated on or past the first day of week 6 of the term.
The instructor or academic administration may grant an extension either through a documented email or by continuing to grade the late assignments. As of the 18-19 academic year, all extensions must be documented by email.
A student who is dropped from a course due to non-attendance may submit an appeal to An appeal must be based on a compelling personal circumstance that seriously impacted academic performance. Examples are: serious illness, severe injury, death of a family member, and other similar situations. The appeal should include a description of the personal circumstance, as well as what has changed in the student’s circumstances so he or she will be able to complete the course.
Appeals will be reviewed by the academic administration. Simply submitting an appeal does not guarantee that the student will be reinstated in the course. All decisions on appeals are final.
Note: Course extensions will only be granted to students who have completed at least half of the assignments in a course. Students who do not submit any graded items within the first two weeks of the course will be dropped without exception.
Students will be assigned late assignment deductions according to the following policy. For the purposes of determining lateness, all times are in Central Time.
To learn more about how to request reasonable accommodations for disabilities, see our ADA policy page.
Incomplete grades are assigned at the discretion of the instructor, with consultation from the Academic Oversight staff (Dean, Department Chair or President) overseeing the course in question, and other academic staff as needed. When incomplete grades are issued, the student will be informed as to how they may be resolved and the timeframe for resolution. This timeframe will be reasonable in length, and shall never exceed one academic term after the course was initially to have been completed. If the student does not meet the agreed upon timeframe, the grade will be converted to whatever grade the student would have received based on the work completed up to that point.
As specified by the City Vision Standards of Admission, all City Vision students must comply with the Proctor Requirement policy.
Students may not request an official Leave of Absence from City Vision University, for financial aid purposes (to defer student loan payments). Their financial aid status, as reported to NSLDS for Enrollment Reporting and used in R2T4 calculations, is always either enrolled or withdrawn. This policy supersedes any previous policies of City Vision pertaining to Leaves of Absence.
Applications for extension must be submitted via the online extension request form no later than two days before the course ends.