Undergraduate General Education Requirements

These general education requirements are in effect for the 23-24 academic year and following. For our prior general education requirements see below
  1. Students must have a total of 30 credits for Bachelor’s or 15 credits for Associate’s in the domains: 1) Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2) Communications, 3) Natural & Physical Sciences, 4) Quantitative Skills, 5) Humanities, Fine Arts, Christian Life & Social Responsibility. The courses for each domain are listed below with each course being 3 credits.
  2. Transfer credits may be used to meet general education requirements according to the guidelines below.
  3. Each course may only be used to meet either major/concentration requirements or general education requirements but not both.

City Vision’s general education requirements were adapted from models provided by the Lumina Foundation’s Degree Qualification Profile as well as the AAC&U’s LEAP campaign’s Essential Learning Outcomes. Much of the language and categories for our revised general education requirements come from these two sources because they represent the most widely used related standards in the US. City Vision has simplified their requirements to reflect our mission that focuses primarily on degree completion for adult learners. Students from previous catalog years that are still active with City Vision may request to change their catalog year to the new requirements.

City Vision's Wounded Healers Life Skills Courses

City Vision also provides life skills courses as a sub-group of our general education courses. The goal of these courses is to help students live well-balanced, healthy lives, free from addiction. These courses can be helpful for students at any stage of their development, but they are particularly helpful for students in our Wounded Healers Program that may be graduates of residential recovery programs. Our approach with Wounded Healers in life skills courses is that they ) Learn, 2) Do and 3) Teach. As such, students in this course will Learn and Do steps in these courses so that they can later teach and counsel others through a similar process in other contexts and organizations.

Mapping Transfer Credit to General Education

The following is how transfer credit will be mapped to general education credits with City Vision.

  • Communications including: Technical Writing, Poetry Writing, English Composition, Business Communication, etc.
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences including: Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Counseling, Political science, Government, Economics, Communications Studies, etc.
  • Quantitative Skills including: Algebra, Business Mathematics, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Differential Equations, etc.
  • Natural & Physical Sciences including: Astronomy, Biology, Ecology and Environmental Science, Chemistry, Geology, Nutrition, Physical Geography and Oceanography, Physics, etc.
  • Humanities, Fine Arts, Christian Life & Social Responsibility including: History, Theology/Bible/Ministry, Literature, Philosophy and Ethics, Foreign Languages And Cultures, Linguistics, Jurisprudence or Philosophy of Law, Archaeology, Comparative Religion, Art History & Criticism, Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, Music, Film, Photography, etc. Note: students transferring in Humanities and/or Fine Arts courses will still be required to take at least one Christian Life and Thought course (Theology/Bible/Ministry) unless they are transferring in such a course. Acceptable Christian Life and Thought courses for transfer could include Christian courses that helps achieve the outcomes similar to those listed in the General Education Outcomes tab above or other foundational Christian subjects.

Institutional Learning Outcomes: Profile of a City Vision Graduate

Institutional learning outcomes are the outcomes that all City Vision should have upon graduation. Students completing a City Vision degree will achieve the outcomes below in each of these domains:

  1. Communication
    Develop and present cogent, coherent and substantially error-free writing for communication to general and specialized audiences.
  2. Quantitative Skills
    Apply practical skills in math and quantitative decision-making to personal, organizational and social contexts.
  3. Natural & Physical Sciences
    Apply practical principles from natural and physical sciences to personal, organizational and/or social contexts.
  4. Social & Behavioral Sciences
    Apply practical principles from social and behavioral sciences to personal, organizational and/or social contexts. Additional competencies in this domain may enable the student to:
    • Develop plans and competencies to increase personal and organizational cross-cultural effectiveness
    • Develop personal skills to help yourself and others maintain life balance and emotional health in a world with widespread addiction
  5. Humanities, Fine Arts, Christian Life & Social Responsibility
    Develop skills needed for lifelong learning, civic engagement, academic achievement and professional attainment. Additional competencies in this domain may enable the student to:
    • Develop a life plan for their own personal vocation, life balance and calling, as well as bringing social change to the world in line with Christian values
    • Articulate a Christian worldview within their profession and its impact on their approach to work in their field and implications for social responsibility
    • Use sound principles of Biblical interpretation and Christian theology to understand the structure, themes and content of the Bible and apply and communicate that well in local contexts

General Education Requirements for Past Catalog Years

Students are required to take 30 general education courses for a Bachelor’s and 15 general education courses for an Associate’s in the following areas.

Broad Knowledge and Intellectual Skills
(minimum 3 courses Bachelor’s, 2 courses Associate’s)

(minimum one course)

Christian Life and Thought
(minimum one course)

Bachelor’s degree students must take a total of 30 credits, with at least 3 being from each of the four general education areas (English & Communications, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Humanities & Fine Arts). Associate degree students must take a total of 15 credits, with at least 3 from each.

If a student already has a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school, then the General Education requirements are waived.

At minimum, general education credits must include:

English & Communications
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Mathematics & Natural Sciences 
Humanities & Fine Arts
Total General Education 

min 3 / max 21
min 3 / max 21
min 3 / max 21
min 3 / max 21____________
30 Bachelor’s / 15 Associate’s

To learn more about the types of accreditation accepted, the conversion of quarter hours to semester hours and related topics, view our Transfer Credit Policies page.

The following is a list of how City Vision courses may be used to fulfill general education requirements.

English & Communications (min 3 / max 21)

Students who have not previously attended college are required at least to take English Composition I and/or Business Communications. 

Based on feedback from faculty and staff, we may require students to take English Composition if their writing is not at a sufficient level to meet the requirements of more advanced courses.

  • English Composition I
  • Business Communication

Social & Behavioral Sciences (min 3 / max 21)

  •  Urban Youth Ministry
  •  Christian Community Development
  • Managing Residential Recovery Programs
  • Counseling in the City
  • Life Skills Training
  • Urban Evangelism & Discipleship
  • Case Management
  • Recovery Dynamics
  • Counseling Foundations
  • Drugs of Abuse
  • Counseling Alcoholics
  • Professional Counseling Practices 
  • Mental Illness and Addiction
  • Group Counseling Practices
  • Sexual Issues in Addiction
  • Family Issues and Recovery

Mathematics & Natural Science (min 3 / max 21)

Humanities & Fine Arts (min 3 / max 21)

  • Theology & Strategies of Urban Missions
  • Theology of Work
  • History of Urban Missions
  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Bible Interpretation
  • Biblical Theology

The list below shows how common courses from other institutions would be classified for transfer credit.

Classification of Courses for Transfer Credit – Typical Courses

English / Communications

  • Survey of American Literature
  • Survey of English Literature
  • Survey of World Literature
  • Shakespeare I
  • Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
  • Technical Writing
  • Poetry Writing
  • Descriptive Grammar of the English Language
  • Children’s Literature
  • Writing for Children & Adolescents
  • Foundations of Education
  • Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School


  •  Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Calculus
  • Differential Equations
  • Graphs and Networks
  • Topology
  • Number Theory
  • Complex Variables
  • Scientific Computation
  • History of Mathematics
  • Cryptography
  • Control Systems
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Functional Analysis

Natural Sciences

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Ecology and Environmental Science
  • Chemistry
  • Geology
  • Hydrology
  • Meteorology
  • Physical Geography and Oceanography
  • Soil Science
  • Physics


  • History
  • Literature
  • Philosophy And Ethics
  • Foreign Languages And Cultures
  • Linguistics
  • Jurisprudence or Philosophy of Law
  • Archaeology
  • Comparative Religion
  • The History, Theory, and Criticism
    of the Arts

Social Sciences

  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Political science
  • Government
  • Economics
  • Communications Studies

Fine Arts

  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Music
  • Film
  • Photography