Tuition Scholarships

For the 2024-25 year, we offer the following tuition scholarships:

Here are the steps to request a scholarship:

  1. New Students Only: Fill out a free enrollment application. If you have already applied to the school, don’t do this again.
  2. All Students: Email the financial aid office at to say which scholarship you are requesting. There is not a form for requesting scholarships.
  3. The financial aid office will contact you if we need documentation to verify you are eligible for a scholarship.
  4. Be sure to read our criteria to keep scholarships.

Criteria to Keep Scholarships

To maintain a scholarship in City Vision students must meet the following standards.
  1. Completing week 5 in a term. For students to receive a scholarship in a given term, they must complete at least the first five weeks of a term; otherwise, they do not receive any scholarship for that term.
  2. Scholarship Student in Good Standing. To remain a scholarship student in good standing, they must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in City Vision courses (not counting transfer credit).
  3. Organizational Partnership Active. Because we are a relational ministry in addition to being a university, our goal is to be have an active relationship with all organizational partners. Because of this, for an organization to remain an active Scholarship Partner or Affiliate Partner, we need to meet with the leadership of the organization at least once a year. This only applies to students receiving an Affiliate or Scholarship Partner scholarship.
  4. Scholarship Probation. If they have less than a 3.0 GPA, they must send City Vision an verbal email commitment to spend at least 15 hours per week of effort for each course. Students receiving rescue mission, partner or intern scholarships this commitment must also identify a supervisor or mentor in their organization to serve as their academic advisor to provide support and accountability. Students on scholarship probation will only receive scholarships on courses in which they receive an A or B. In addition, students must not get more than two attendance warnings in a given term. Students will not receive a scholarship for any course in which they received more than two attendance warnings, or for courses in terms that they dropped. Students that meet the grade and attendance standards in one course but not in another in a given term will only receive the scholarship on the course where they met the standards. Exceptions may be made by the president in extraordinary circumstances such as poor attendance due to hospitalization, natural disaster, etc. 
  5. Scholarships from Organizational Scholarship Partners. Students who receive the Scholarship Partner scholarships because they work at an organization will only continue to receive that scholarship rate as long as they are affiliated with that organization. If they leave the organization, they will only receive the Affiliate Scholarship rate of 10%. Exceptions may be made for recent graduates of residential recovery programs of partners.
  6. Integrity. They follow City Vision’s standards for academic integrity and code of conduct. Students will be notified of any violations and of any loss of their scholarship.