Steps to Use AmeriCorps Aid to Pay for City Vision Courses

  1. Sign into your My AmeriCorps account at
  2. Click on My Education Award
  3. Click Create Education Award Payment Request
  4. This brings up a payment form.
    a. For ‘Payment Type’ choose ‘Education Expenses’.
    b. For ‘Semester or Term’ type the term for which you wish to pay (ex: Fall 1 2017)
    c. For ‘Amount Authorized’, type the amount that you owe City Vision University (without $)
  5. Click ‘Search for Institutions’
  6. Fill in the form as follows:
    a. Name: City Vision University
    b. City: Kansas City
    c. State: Missouri
    d. Zip Code: 64106-3028
  7. Click ‘Submit’.
  8. If the institution is not found, a message will appear that says the following: “Below is a list matching the criteria you entered. Please select an institution from the list below by clicking on its name. If you cannot find your institution, either search again or choose ‘not found’.”
  9. Click ‘Not Found’ and fill out the form as follows:
    a. Institution Name: City Vision University
    b. Department/Office: Business Office/Office of the Registrar
    c. Address: 1100 E 11th Street
    d. City: Kansas City
    e. State: Missouri
    f. Zip Code: 64106-3028
    g. Contact Name: Nancy Young
    h. Contact Phone: 1-816-960-2008
    i. Contact email:
    j. In the Certify and Submit section, click all of the checkboxes
    k. Click Submit.