Intern Story: Michelle Smith: Internship Was ‘Amazing’

If there was one thing Michelle Smith really needed, it was more time. Before her internship at City Vision, she worked full-time as a Collections Officer while at the same time raising a son. Her job required her to commute long miles and work late nights and weekends. She said, “It was very difficult for me being a mother, wife, and working full-time with part-time pay, having to commute on a daily basis driving over 50 miles one way to work and back home.” Michelle added, “There were never enough hours in the day for me to complete anything I needed to do. All I can remember was leaving early and coming back late and being stressed out.” Fortunately, City Vision University offered her time and flexibility.

Michelle ended up taking a few classes at CVC before doing an internship. As an intern for City Vision, her education was fully paid for…

[As of this testimonial, she was an intern] at Urban League of Greater Kansas City. Of the experience, she said, “I am gaining hands-on experience and exposure to how non-profit organizations function. It has been an amazing journey for me. I am excited about continuing my internship and utilizing the knowledge and skills I have learned.”

“My experience as a City Vision intern has been a great experience for me. Challenging at various times, but still being able to maintain and encourage not only myself but for others who are contemplating on returning to school. Also having the flexibility on my classes and studies is one of the best things about being an intern, and gaining valuable experiences.”

This testimonial was given in 2012.

[Edited May 2015; updated the institution’s name; Edited June 2020, updated factual details]