ADC439: Counseling Skills and Techniques (undergrad section of graduate course)

Course Description

In this course, you will learn specific non-verbal and verbal clinical counseling skills and techniques particularly. The course compares and contrasts the effectiveness of a range of evidence-based counseling techniques, while also assessing them from a Christian worldview. Students will develop proficiency in therapeutic rapport-building, assessment, treatment planning, and interventions specific to addiction counseling. Emphasis is placed on cultural competence, ethical considerations, and the integration of current research findings into clinical practice. The course builds skills through: textbook readings, videos, case studies, quizzes, reflection/application journals, video recording specific skills (using Skillsetter), role-playing exercises in live videos sessions and completing skills observation forms.

IMPORTANT: Required Meeting Times

This course requires a 1 hour Zoom meeting from 8:00-9:00 pm Eastern time every Thursday each week of the course. The focus of this course is to actually practice counseling skills in these live sessions, so you cannot attend this time, you should not take this course. There will be no make up sessions, so students missing a live meeting will receive a zero for that session’s grade.

Course Outcomes

  1. Identify key principles of counseling skills and techniques to improve your overall effectiveness as a counselor. 
  2. Discuss the various applicability of these counseling skills and how they relate to the field of counseling.
  3. Reflect on how these counseling skills apply and can be used in your current and future contexts.
  4. Practice and record various evidence-based counseling skills used in counseling to receive feedback.
  5. Demonstrate evidence-based counseling skills through role-playing exercises through live video sessions in triads.
  6. Use a skills observation form to evaluate the verbal and nonverbal counseling skills of someone else in a live video session.


Available to undergraduates with 90+ credits and a 3.0+ GPA.


Course Materials & Tuition

Sbanotto, E. A. N., Gingrich, H. D., & Gingrich, F. C. (2016). Skills for Effective Counseling: A Faith-Based Integration. IVP Academic. Young, M. E. (2020).
Young, M. E. (2024). Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques (8th edition). Pearson.
This course uses a counseling skills development tool called Skill Setter. Students in this course will be sent an email to create an account and pay for a three month subscription to Skill Setter for $45.


Total Cost of Course$961.98